I think one of the hardest things and decisions to make is to move and change golf clubs, although I've not found that decision alone very hard myself as in a very short amount of time since taking up the game I've got an astonishing 5 under my belt! OK a couple of them were very short lived, 1 being a matter of months and another a matter of weeks, but it's still a big move, mainly because although you might like and enjoy the new club's course, you will never know how you will fit into the social side of the club and how quickly you'll find playing partners if you have moved on your own!
I've now been at Coventry Golf Club since February 2015 and I couldn't be happier, the course is excellent and everyone is extremely friendly and approachable.
I threw myself at many of the various roll-ups on weekdays and the weekends when I joined to meet as many members as possible of all ages and abilities, the Pro and his assistants have found me partners to play with in competitions and I now play in a regular 3-ball in all monthly medals and team events, but, I still don't have a regular pairs partner and so I end up with a different playing partner in every pairs betterball, greensomes & foursomes competition, these tend to be members whose usual partner can't make it for various reasons so I'm passed around like a substitute, this is the only negative when moving and joining a new club on your own, it's very frustrating as everyone is obviously settled with playing partners so you just find yourself waiting for someone to become free!
I'm constantly informed that I punch well above my weight as far as my handicap is concerned, so I can become very popular at times, but, they only want me for my shots and to stick a few 4 pointers and 3 pointers on the scorecard, so, I wonder what will happen when my handicap starts to tumble next season, which it's going to do, and with no regular partner and less shots to offer, will it become a serious case of Billy No Mates